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Windows installer: Trading LogBook V 1.10.0 Setup

MD5 Checksum: C7DD18A6B79C6BDDA93724DC6AF4086C

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03/26/2023 V 1.10.0

Bug fixes:

  • no error text error shown, whe FlexQuery import fails
  • wrong proceeds for Futures and FOPs

Changes / new features:

  • select strategy in trading time report

08/26/2022 V 1.9.2

Bug fixes:

  • daily import fails when dump file path is not set
  • Fee report fails when there are fees in december
  • TLB can be started more than once

Changes / new features:

  • support for IB subaccounts
  • move transaction to another account
  • P/L view: groups show days in trade
  • Registration possibly with Freeware Key
  • 'Buy Me a Coffee' Button

04/30/2022 V 1.8.1

Bug fixes:

  • CSV import fails when it includes RUB transactions

Changes / new features:

  • -

04/18/2022 V 1.8.0

Bug fixes:

  • -

Changes / new features:

  • Drilldown in reports

03/19/2022 V 1.7.1

Bug fixes:

  • cashflow wrong of FOPs and CFDs when an order is split in more than one executions (Daily Import)

Changes / new features:

  • Import Info

02/07/2022 V 1.7.0

Bug fixes:

  • none

Changes / new features:

  • improved CSV import; columns are identified by name
  • P/L View - new columns: DaysInTrade, PLPerDay, PLPerDayInEUR

01/07/2022 V 1.6.0

Bug fixes:

  • fixed: daily import which has no trades will cause an error

Changes / new features:

  • stock transfers will be imported (CSV import)
  • yearly reports (P/L, fees)

01/03/2022 V 1.5.0

Bug fixes:

  • fixed: 'Wrong Currency Exception' shows wrong currency
  • fixed: Proceeds used for Options (FlexQuery Import, CSV Import); Cashflow of options on futures is calculated correct, now
  • fixed: 'canceled trades' causes an error in IBDailyImport
  • fixed: sql queries fail due to too much parameters
  • fixed: controls on P/L View may be positioned outside the visible area

Changes / new features:

  • currency CNH maps to CNY

10/18/2021 V 1.4.0

Bug fixes:

  • fixed: recalc fails (very special condition, including pictures in notes)

Changes / new features:

  • report 'P/L by type extended' improved
  • P/L view: new button 'Show Groups'; shows / hides groups
  • P/L view: values of profit / fees / cashflow can be copied

05/28/2021 V 1.3.0

Bug fixes:

  • fixed: winner/loser report shows wrong data

Changes / new features:

  • new report: fees
  • lock notes in Notes Manager
  • filter trades
  • filter transactions
  • copy data copies only visible columns
  • copy data copies headers
  • number of winner/loser can be set in winner/loser report

04/14/2021 V 1.2.3

Bug fixes:

  • start import button no longer in sub menu

Changes / new features:

  • new report: profit/loss by type extended

04/06/2021 V 1.2.2

Bug fixes:

  • fixed: importing transactions dated Apr 5 failed
  • fixed: DB backup on exit failed

Changes / new features:

  • Notes Manager
  • copy & paste notes to trades
  • write your notes the day you trade and assign them when your trade has been imported
  • use this feature to create checklists for your trades

01/31/2021 V 1.1.7

Bug fixes:

  • none

Changes / new features:

  • interest in P/L view
  • interest in reports
  • IB CSV Import Button directly on main window (ALT+I)

01/16/2021 V 1.1.6

Bug fixes:

  • fixed: typo 'Chashflow'
  • IB Activity Report changed; columns of TLB import adjusted

Changes / new features:

  • sum of 'Cashflow' in 'Profit / Loss View'
  • delete mutliple transactions at once

01/10/2021 V 1.1.5

Bug fixes:

  • fixed: wrong profit for groups
  • fixed: column widths will be restored after configuration of columns
  • trades will be assigned again to their group after recalculation
  • button 'Transaction New' disabled
  • button 'Transaction Edit' disabled

Changes / new features:

  • 'Trade View' renamed to 'Profit / Loss View'
  • new column 'Cashflow' in 'Profit / Loss View'
  • dividens appear in 'Profit / Loss View'
  • dividens in reports

12/29/2020 V 1.1.4

Bug fixes:

  • fixed: maximized window will no be restored next start
  • fixed: add images to notes via Open File Dialog fails when file path contains spaces

Changes / new features:

  • Notes for trade groups
  • add images to notes via CTRL-V

11/07/2020 V 1.1.3

Bug fixes:

  • fixed: under special conditions Trade Groups may reference a Trade which is not existing

Changes / new features:

  • Show Trade count
  • Show Trade Group count
  • Activation simplified
  • Better error message on failed activation

11/06/2020 V 1.1.2

Bug fixes:

  • some minor fixes

Changes / new features:

  • Rename Trade Group
  • Trades View default sorting

10/31/2020 V 1.1.1

Bug fixes:

  • some minor fixes

Changes / new features:

  • Meta Trade 4 Import
  • new reports