Daily Import

Daily Import is possible supported only for IB accounts and you have to to enable Flex Web Service. To do this and get the required Token, log in to your IB account and choose Settings/Account Settings. In the section Reporting, enable Flex Web Service.

You find a description here, unfortunately it is outdated.

1. Log in to your IB account

2. Select Report/Flex Queries:

3. At the top right, click Configure to add a new Flex Query Template:

4. At the top right, click '+' to create a new Flex Query Template:

5. Define the first part of the new Flex Query. Use the following values:

  • Query Name: TradingLogBookDaily
  • Format: XML
  • Profit and Loss: Default
  • Date Period: Last 30 Calendar Days
  • Date Format: yyyyMMdd
  • Time Format: HHmmss
  • Date/Time Separator: ; (semi-colon)

6. Then scroll down and add the following sections to the Flex Query:

  • Cash Transactions
  • Trades

When you select a section, a new dialog shows up where you can select the fields included in this section. Simply Select All...

...then scroll down an press the SAVE button.

Repeat this for each section.

7. After adding all required sections, scroll down and press CONTINUE. The review page opens. Scroll down again and press CREATE.

8. If all worked fine, you now see the 'Activity Flex Query Created' message. Press OK.

9. You are now back on the 'Run a Flex Query' page, and you should see the new 'TradingLogBookDaily' Flex Query in the list.

10. You need to get the ID of your query. Once again, press Configure.

11. In the Activity Flex Query Templates list, click on TradingLogBookDaily to expand the details. There you find the Query ID. In this sample it is 359858.

12. Go back to TradingLogBook and open IB - Daily Import window. Click the Settings button.

13. In the settings window, set your Token and your Query ID. Enable the dump file if you want to see which data is sent by the IB Web Service. Then press OK.

14. In the IB - Daily Import window press Start and your data should be loaded. TradingLogBook checks for duplicate transactions and doesn't import them twice.